First-of-its kind event in Abu Dhabi focused on providing families with a chance to explore out-of-school early childhood offerings in a fun, innovative and interactive space for children
Raise awareness and interest on the out-of-school early childhood offering space in Abu Dhabi for parents, children as well as potential operators and investors
The fair is a platform to showcase latest innovations and offerings in the out-of-school early childhood offering space; it is not a platform for policy or program development (such as the WED forum)
Increases the attractiveness of Abu-Dhabi as a child-friendly city; as well as promotes collaboration with the different partner entities that act as champions of the different offerings (e.g. DMT for parks, DCT for museums, etc.)

The Purpose
to promote the benefits of out-of-school activities for children and provide a platform for businesses & organizations that offer these activities to connect with parents, schools, and other potential partners.

Target Audience

The aspiration is
for Abu Dhabi to lead and pioneer the unconvential learning and development path beyond the traditional and educational ecosystem.
The opportunity to create a child-friendly environment for all birth to 8-year-old children in Abu Dhabi and ensure easy access to services to
Play, Learn and Grow.

Play to Learn,
Learn to Grow
For Parents
Nurture, Discover,
For Investors
Foster, Capture,
For Entrepreneurs
Innovate, Inspire,
The Logo
The logo mirros the unique, creative, and engaging space the Childhood Fair aims to provide, broadening the horizons of our loved ones.
The composition reflects a dynamic energy that resembles the fair’s experience – one where our children’s physical health and cognitive development is nurtured, where professionals meet diverse opportunities, and where the greatest investment is towards our children’s wellbeing.

Logo Construction

Visual Theme & Application

The Event
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Feature Area
“All around culture”
with Noor | Projection Map
An immersive enclosed room of 3 walls, where children embark on a journey of culture & tradition as they acquire diverse knowledge. This unique experience unfolds as a dynamic story that is told by a character named Noor (VO) who goes on a journey, illustrating the historical evolution of the UAE.

Hi there! I’m Noor.
Join me on my trip around Emirati culture where I will be stopping at different corners:
I will be visiting the deserts, dive into the sea, soar outer space, and land in the heart of our Emirati arts, culture & tradition.

Feature Area
“Labryinth of Leadership”
Maze Insallation
A labyrinth structure throughout which children learn 4 key traits of leadership: confidence, courage, responsibility, and empathy. The structure shall have a single entrance point and multiple twists with 4 character illustrations on their walls, guiding children towards the heart of the structure.

Feature Area
“Land of Nurture”
Space of 3 Structures
“The Land of Nurture” is a space that resembles the ideal setting for children to flourish as well as mirrors the fair’s essence of combining learning with play.

The space
features a set
of 3 structure

Feature Area
“Fahd’s Desert Adventure”
Physical Play Area
The “Physical Activity” feature area tells a story of an adventure for children, inspired from local culture. The journey is in a form of a desert track (inspired from Emirati deserts) where children overcome a set of physical obstacles/activities in order to reach the final destination and discover a treasure.